If Only…


If Only…

Warning Philosophy ahead.


As all scientists know a good hypothesis starts with if. If I observe this then this is the outcome. If the outcome is not what I expect then I must modify my hypothesis to accord with the outcome.

If is a very useful word, it gives us variability, it gives us choice and it gives us a chance to vary our future. If I buy that property, if I take that job .. or not. These are all choices that we make and that guide us in our lives. In some ways if will define our lives. As I get older I can see that some decisions I made were comfortable and not as daring as they may have been if I had been braver. If I had made those decisions I may be wealthier or more famous (or notorious) but would I have been happier, I’m not sure. I’m content with where I am.

If is also useful to reflect. When I was boundary umpiring I was extremely fit but I was occupied by a job, family a new home and sport. If I had run my first marathon at that time could I have broken three hours? My PB sits at 3:07 at 61 years old. Now at 63 is it out of reach if…?


The context of if changes dramatically when we add only. Not a particularly onerous word by itself, only indicates loss or regret when conjugated to if. If only I had taken that job, if only I had moved cities. In the context of running we think of if only as doubt. If only I had put in one more hard run, long run, fun run, any run then I would run better. This is an unprovable hypothesis as are so many. There are too many variables to put a good or bad performance down to only one aspect.


To summarize, if only is a waste of time and effort. Do or Do not, as Yoda would say but own the decision and own the outcome. We head off to Canberra this week for the marathon on Sunday. We will run. We expect to finish. We hope to run well. Whatever happens will happen. There will be no if only..

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